Optimize Distribution System Performance with Utility-Wide Connected Systems and Data
As energy generation sources diversify, utilities have more options to optimize grid load and power flow than ever before. By taking a holistic approach, utilities can unleash many benefits including: the ability to identify and publish locations where distributed energy resources will provide grid benefits and encourage interconnection; predicting program effectiveness including incentives, pricing schemes and demand response; and informing asset management strategies that respond to supply and demand. GridUnity is working with leading utilities, national labs and other partners on initiatives to transform how utilities perform distribution system planning (including capital projects and non-wires alternatives), implement Distribution Resource Plans, and optimize customer enrollment programs.
Hosting Capacity Analysis
Transform The Grid For DER With Proactive Hosting Capacity Analysis
Proactively modeling the maximum DER penetration at which the grid can safely and reliably operate – the hosting capacity – can significantly improve the efficiency of the interconnection review process. By proactively running potential scenarios, utilities can provide hosting information for different technologies and at different resolutions (such as transformer, feeder, and substation). GridUnity also allows utilities to analyze strategies to enhance hosting capacity, including the simulation of volt/VAR and demand response. Using map-based data visualizations, utilities can identify and publish beneficial DER locations to encourage interconnection, inform asset management strategies, and better plan capital investment.
Prepare an impact report with minimum effort – automatically estimate the costs of network changes and upgrades
Detailed grid impact studies require evaluation of many variables and potential scenarios. It’s an effort that requires significant engineering expertise, often costs tens of thousands of dollars and takes weeks or months to complete. GridUnity Impact Analysis can automate the preparation of an impact study – leveraging elastic cloud computing to perform advanced analysis (including power flow and protection coordination) and estimating the costs associated with related changes and upgrades so you can prepare a report with minimum effort. It also ensures engineering rules are applied consistently and retains a full history of utility decisions for regulatory compliance.
Empower Economic Business Cases With Razor-Sharp Development Targeting
As a developer of new energy options, your customers rely on your expertise to recommend systems, support their economic modeling and financing, and work with their utility to fast-track development plans. GridUnity provides unique insights into geographic regions that would benefit from new energy options such as distributed generation and energy storage, allowing you to hone your business development efforts. Developers can use GridUnity to model operational improvements, cost savings, and incentives to support a winning business case, providing utilities with detailed applications that will fast-track to approval.