BNN: Southwest Power Pool Integrates GridUnity Platform to Boost Renewable Energy Interconnections

BNN Breaking wrote about Southwest Power Pool choosing the GridUnity platform for interconnection, cluster study management, and infrastructure coordination, saying:

“Southwest Power Pool (SPP), the pivotal Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) orchestrating the central United States’ electrical grid, has taken a significant leap forward in renewable energy integration. By adopting GridUnity’s advanced Interconnection Life Cycle Management (ILCM) platform, SPP aims to revolutionize the efficiency, transparency, and management of generation interconnections. This collaboration, spotlighted at the recent DISTRIBUTECH International event, underscores a shared commitment by GridUnity and AWS to foster renewable energy growth.”

“As the world moves towards a more sustainable and renewable energy-dominated future, initiatives like the integration of GridUnity’s ILCM platform by SPP are pivotal. By enhancing the efficiency and transparency of the generation interconnection process, SPP is not only facilitating the growth of renewable energy but also ensuring that the grid remains secure and reliable for its users. This initiative, highlighted at the DISTRIBUTECH International event, represents a significant step forward in the journey towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape.”

Read the full article here.